Jumat, 05 November 2010

Master Scholarships, University of Twente, The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP)

The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) fosters capacity building within organizations in 61 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members at the University of Twente. The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes is an initiative of the Dutch government.
Requirements for application
Applicants must:

* be a national and working in one of the countries above
* be a mid-career professional with at least three years work experience
* be nominated by his/her employer
* have been unconditionally admitted by the University of Twente to one of the master degree programmes
* have completed an NFP Master’s Degree Programme application form and have submitted all the required documentation to the Netherlands embassy or consulate
* not be employed by a large industrial, commercial, international or multinational organization
* offer evidence of proficiency in speaking and writing the language of instruction
* be available for the entire period of the programme and be physically and mentally able to take part in the entire programme
* declare that they will return to their home country immediately after the study programme has ended
* comply with country-specific rules set by RNE (for more information please contact the Netherlands Embassy or consulate in your home country)
* candidate must not have received an NFP fellowship or any other fellowship in the three years prior to the start of the proposed programme (MA, SC or PhD)

Country of origin
Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burundi, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China (Excluding citizens from Hong Kong and Macao), Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, DR Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Field of study: All
Level of study: Master
Deadline for application

* Study programmes starting in the first quarter 2011: 1 October 2010 except for Tanzania and Bangladesh
* Study programmes starting in the third quarter 2011: 1 March 2011 except for Uganda, Tanzania, Indonesia and Bangladesh


* subsistence allowance
* tuition fee
* housing
* international travel
* insurance
* personal allowance
* study materials
* visa costs
* travel within the Netherlands

Beasiswa S3 Kyoto University, Japan

Japan International Doctoral Program (IDP) membuka kesempatan pendaftaran beasiswa bagi mahasiswa atau peneliti bergelar S-2 atau setara untuk meraih gelar S-3 bidang sains dan energi di Tokyo University.

Skema program beasiswa IDP ini meliputi tunjangan bulanan senilai 155.000 hingga 158.000 yen per bulan selama 36 bulan, biaya transportasi ke dan dari Jepang dengan kelas ekonomi, serta biaya kuliah penuh. Untuk mendapatkannya, IDP mensyaratkan kandidat maksimal berusia 35 tahun pada 1 April 2011, telah mengantongi gelar master (S-2) atau setara, serta memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik disertai dengan bukti keahliannya.

Sebagai catatan tambahan, keahlian berbahasa Jepang tidak terlalu diprioritaskan jika sejak awal kandidat telah mengumpulkan semua hasil penelitiannya dan mempresentasikan dalam bahasa Inggris, serta disupervisi dalam bahasa Inggris. Sebanyak delapan kandidat terbaik akan dipilih setiap tahun untuk menerima beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang.

Bagi para peminat, dokumen pendaftaran harus dikirimkan paling lambat 15 November 2010. Informasi dan syarat lengkap untuk meraih beasiswa ini bisa dilihat di http://www.energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Lowongan Penulis

Penerbit Serambi memanggil putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung menuju masa depan bersama yang lebih baik.
Posisi yang diperlukan:A. Editor Naskah Fiksi/Non-FiksiB. ProofreaderC. Lay-outer/SetterD. Sekretaris Redaksi
Persyaratan umum:- Berusia di bawah 30 tahun- Bersedia berkantor di Bandung- Mencintai dunia buku dan berminat berkarier di bidang penerbitan- Senang membaca- Kreatif dan penuh imajinasi- Berpengalaman di bidangnya- Mau bekerja keras, berpikiran positif, dan bekerja sama di dalam tim- Mau terus belajar dan mengembangkan diri- Sehat rohani dan jasmani
Persyaratan khusus:Untuk A:- Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dengan baik- Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik- Penguasaan bahasa asing lain menjadi keunggulan- Mampu menulis dengan baik- Berwawasan luas
Untuk B:- Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dengan baik- Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik- Mampu menulis dengan baik- Teliti
Untuk C:- Berpengalaman melay-out buku- Menguasai program-program komputer untuk lay-out/desain- Menguasai dasar-dasar desain- Tidak buta warna
Untuk D:- Memiliki kemampuan kesekretariatan yang baik- Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dengan baik, baik lisan maupun tertulis- Menguasai bahasa Inggris, minimal pasif- Mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi dan media sosial
Kirimkan lamaran selengkap-lengkapnya yang menarik dan penuh imajinasi selambat-lambatnya pada 17 November 2010 (cap pos) ke alamat: Bagian HRD Penerbit Serambi Jalan Kemang Timur Raya 16 Jakarta Selatan
- Tuliskan kode posisi yang diminati pada bagian kiri atas amplop (misalnya A untuk Editor)- Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes dan wawancara- Tes dan wawancara akan dilakukan di Bandung

Lord, Are You Angry With Us??

Lord, we are really insolent. You command us, to just gets God to You. But we oppose you, although we have You, we also believe that there several power owner beside You. We also have Nyai petruk, Danyang Merapi, Kiyai Sapu Jagat, and also other. Are You sad with that? Lord, please forgive us. As You know, Im really sure that You are all knowing substance, You’re a powerfull substance and the only one, You know that are not all of us get imoral. Lord, please give attention also, look also to some of us, although not many of us, just little, but they devout with what they done. Lord, if you’re really angry with us, when you anger, they heartily fight, in the rain and heat. They help their brother humanity, God, to their integrity, end up this temptation. To their integrity that for a thousand, two or just three thousand rupiahs, broadcasting hardboard, midway, at while rain and heat. To integrity and their tear, end up Lord!

We know, that Merapi is yours, Krakatau is Yours, and all of mounth in the entire of this universe, are yours. When you command them to erupt, immediatelly, they will do, and never oppose, never against your instruction. But, we are Yours also.

Lord, really as it long our really doesn't love this nature, we have over exploited your nature. Some of us, have exploited your sand overacting at merapi’s valley without think about the impact. But Im sure that You know it, they just not many from us, could You forgive us?? If You want to angry, please Lord, angry with them. In order to revive them, that what they have all done are wrong.

Please Lord, end up this disaster, don’t angry with us, and We’ll back to You.

Boyolali, 5th November 2010, 17:10 PM